College Readings | Polka Dots and Rainy Days: College Readings

Friday, March 6, 2015

College Readings

Hi, this is the third post for my College Blog Series.
In this post I will share the ways that I keep up with my class readings, and how I take notes from them. As well as color-coding highlighters and organization of reading due dates.

First of all I write down all of the readings that I have to do, in the corresponding color for each class. I write down the day that the reading needs to be done by, usually the next time that I have that class. Therefore I know which ones need to be done first (less chance to fall behind this way). Once I have done the reading I cross it off.

I have piles on my desk of the readings that I have to do with a post-it on the top of the date that it needs to be done by. This however only works when you have printed out readings. So when I have readings from a textbook I will use a post-it to flag the page and write on the post-it the date it needs to be read by.

I also like to take notes and highlight the readings at the time. Therefore for exams or reading quizzes I have more of a knowledge of what I have just read, instead of just skimming through it. Note-taking from a reading/textbook also means that you remember what you have read.

 To take notes from your readings don't copy word-for-word but paraphrase or even write in your own words the important points. This also helps you understand what you are actually learning. I will write a post on how to take notes from a textbook so look out for that.

My highlighters are also color-coded (big shocker!). I used my label maker to label what the color corresponds to. This helps me remember what colors mean what and also helps me when looking back through my notes for a specific example, date or person. I use the blue highlighter to mark a page reference on my lecture notes.

How do you stay on top of your readings? Are there any specific ways in which you like to note-take from your readings?

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